
LATAM’s fundamental challenges: Waste management & recycling

February 20, 2024
0 min read

Fundamental is tackling Latin America's challenges—inequality, unemployment, and climate change—through innovative waste management solutions, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable practices and the pivotal role of ventures like Reciclamos Juntos in Cartagena.

At Fundamental, we’re deeply committed to create solutions with our ventures that solve Latam’s biggest challenges: inequality, unemployment, food security and effects of climate change. So, what exactly does that entail? This month the International Recycling Day took place, giving us good reason to reflect on how waste is linked to those challenges and impacts millions of individuals in Latin America as well as its environment.

Waste in Latin America is increasing. So are its effects on people and the planet.

Before we state numbers, it’s important to remark that reliable waste and recycling statistics for the region do not exist (yet). The 2024 Circularity Gap report estimates that over 60% of total waste generated in Latin America go unaccounted for. The gap in information presents a large challenge for understanding the scope of the problem. Following statements for waste generation should be seen as estimations.

  • Waste generation: What’s the baseline? In Latin America and the Caribbean, the average waste generation per inhabitant stands at 1 kg/day. It lies 0.26 kilos higher than the global average although the levels fluctuate drastically based on a country’s income levels and consumption patterns. In 2021, the region was responsible for 12% of total global waste generation.
  • Projected increase in waste: Waste volumes in Latin America are expected to surge by at least 25% by 2050, depicting an urgent need to manage its consequences.
  • No second life: Only 4.5% of waste is recycled in Latin America and the secondary material consumption stands below 1%. What does it mean? The region’s production relies heavily on virgin materials and only a very small volume of materials are given a “second life”, putting a large strain on the planet’s limited resources.
  • How not managing waste puts people and the planet at risk: More than one quarter of LATAM’s waste is disposed of in open dumpsites each day. With 40 million people lacking access to waste collection services, this leads to significant health and environmental risks. The issue disproportionately affects marginalized and rural communities, highlighting the social inequity of waste management. As waste generation increases, this problem will be amplified.
  • Collecting waste for a living: Despite its negative effects.. waste has value! No one knows this better than the 4 million people in Latam who depend on recycling for their livelihood, with a substantial portion working in the informal sector. However, while “waste pickers” play a critical role in supplying waste for recycling to companies, they often face unsafe and undignified working conditions.

When waste gets wasted: A fragmented value chain.

We all know the saying: “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. But as the situation is today, Latin America’s waste and recycling industry is unprepared to handle the surge in waste due to its high levels of informality and lack of infrastructure. This depicts lost opportunities of all kinds: social, environmental, financial, and underscores a critical need for a functioning value chain​. What’s not working?

Taking Colombia as an example, roughly stated, the recycling network consists of waste generators, waste pickers, informal recycling and collection centres, buyers and intermediaries. The challenge is that most find themselves and their business needs isolated from each other, limiting the economic benefits related to the purchase and sale of recyclable materials:

  • Waste pickers struggle with market access, information asymmetry and limited means for transportation. Waste pickers are often linked to informal recycling centers. However, despite their importance in supplying the fragmented value chain, they struggle: Firstly, they are poorly connected to waste producers, making their daily finds uncertain. Second, waste pickers have limited access to information about market conditions that would inform them about the best and most profitable materials for collection. Third, most waste pickers use manual carts for material collection, which limits the amount they can collect and the income they can earn.
  • Volume and quality requirements of final buyers leads to inefficient intermediary networks. As a final point in the value chain, many recycling companies (waste buyers) have minimum quantity requirements for the purchase of material that the waste collectors or collection points cannot meet. As a result, complex networks of intermediaries have developed that buy and sell recyclables to meet final sales requirements. This not only lowers the price received by waste collectors and informal recycling centers, but also leads to low traceability and therefore transparency of the collected waste. It becomes difficult to meet the quality standards required by the recycling companies to process recyclable material into new products.
  • Demand for recycled materials grows rapidly: While the value chain is flawed, there is an increasing demand for recycled materials driven by changing regulatory requirements and industry standards. For instance, Colombia launched the Ley 2232 to regulate plastic management and reduction and is joined by over 70 countries. Or Coca Cola, one of the largest CPG, introduced the program Reciclave in 88 cities in Colombia to increase collection and recycling rates, raise awareness for the issue and improve working conditions for waste pickers.

While the increasing demand represents a great opportunity for the entire value chain of recycling as well as the environment, the various players are unable to fully exploit it due to their fragmentation: the current supply of recycled materials is only growing by 1% and is therefore being outstripped by demand.

On a mission to make waste valuable for all: Reciclamos Juntos in Cartagena

As we’ve seen: The increase in waste and the growing demand for recycled materials can’t be met by most recycling systems in LATAM. Could this gap be leveraged to create an inclusive, mutually beneficial value chain? Our circular economy venture Reciclamos Juntos in Cartagena, Colombia has been developing a solution in the past years:

The popular tourist town’s recycling value chain used to be highly fragmented and worked at the expense of informal waste pickers: Although managing the city’s waste, they’d typically make the bare minimum of $5.50 USD a day. Also, most of them worked individually, having little bargaining power or security. Reciclamos Juntos, under the leadership of Jaime Fernandez and supported by the Wealth Inequality Initiative, set out to challenge the status quo by building a recycling system that connects the critical actors and provides value to all. How?

  • Building a network of waste associations: Reciclamos Juntos supported the creation of waste associations, the development of best practices and offered training on separation, collection, quality control and business management. By empowering individual workers to build and lead their own recycling business, they were able to reduce information asymmetry, improve their equipment and increase efficiency. This allowed them to grow a team of waste pickers, offer safe working conditions and increase income.
  • Installing an end-to-end waste collection service: Reciclamos Juntos optimized and integrated a whole recycling value chain and today, works B2B by connecting the waste collector associations with bulk waste generators and bulk recycling buyers, hence strengthening the weakest links in the chain. Through the waste pickers, they were able to increase the collection of valuable recycling materials by 44%, which positively impacts the waste situation in Cartagena.

Today, Reciclamos Juntos operates a network with 348 bulk waste generators (malls, schools, hotels..), 26 recycling centers and 623 waste collectors. By working for the waste associations, they were able to increase their income by 40% — a big impact!

While this model has proven successful, the startup is further evolving as it is launching a recycling warehouse and the commercialization of the plastic collected by the recycling centers. As indicated, the demand for recycled PET is increasing! Securing both quality and scale of the pet collected and linking them to new recycling plant buyers, Reciclamos Juntos taps into an opportunity that will positively impact the whole supply chain and the environment. Like that, the venture is able to close the circle on plastic.

Since the end of last year, social entrepreneur Jesús Cruz joined Reciclamos Juntos as a CEO and Co-Founder. He brings over a decade of experience in Colombia ‘s waste management sector and an extensive track record in leading successful startups. After spending 13 years building and operating Organicos del Caribe, an organic materials waste management and composting company, he has joined Reciclamos Juntos as its CEO to drive its impact and commercialization model to new heights.