Social Impact

“What is an impact venture studio exactly?”

February 20, 2024
0 min read

Venture studios uniquely co-create startups by providing ideation, resources, and funding, differentiating from VC funds and accelerators. With successes like Moderna and Yelp, they offer a model that's cheaper, faster to exit, and has higher returns. Fundamental leverages this for impact startups in Latin America, blending profit with social goals.

We get this question often. While many want to compare it to a VC fund, incubator or accelerator (which are all great) it’s important to clarify that venture studios are their very own thing. Although somewhat unknown, they are at the forefront of innovation. Why? The model allows startups to build more quickly and successfully due to its unique advantages.

As of 2023, there were just 877 venture studios in the world. But these venture studios are creating and launching some very successful startups: Moderna, Yelp, Giphy, Hims, Elenas … and even Medium — the site we are currently using — is the product of the venture studio model! In this article we aim to cover what those advantages are and why we chose this model to solve Latin America’s fundamental problems.

General definition

Venture Studios solve two major problems faced by early stage startups:

  • Ideation, prototyping, and validation of a product or service being done haphazardly and without the strategic hiring for a dynamic team.
  • Funding and mentoring being a scarce resources in the ecosystem.

A venture studio connects proven ideas with experienced entrepreneurs and offers them a venture building methodology, access to shared services (Product Development, Tech, HR, Accounting, Financial Analysis etc.) and funding. Utilizing this approach, venture studios are able to concurrently develop several startups with agility.

So, like an accelerator or an incubator?

Not exactly. Although all three models provide support to early stage entrepreneurs as they launch a startup, the venture studio is the only model that is part of the ideation of a company. As a result, the venture studio is a co-founder of the startups it creates and holds ownership (equity and/or a board role) next to the entrepreneur and other possible investors later on. We often get asked if we at Fundamental generate ideas and solutions by ourselves or if we look for entrepreneurs to bring us ideas. Up until now, we’ve been responsible for the initial ideation and design of the startups we’ve launched.

As such, the venture studio takes on greater risk than accelerators or incubators, as it provides intensive support of resources and funding during the initial venture stages at no cost. However, the pay-off for the risk is often worth it! Venture studios have proven to represent a more attractive asset class than accelerators with higher exit rates (34% vs. 21%) and higher stakes (30–50% equity vs. 7%) ( Global Startup Studio Network, Sparkling Partners, Crunchbase, GAN).

Okay then, what makes the venture studio more successful?

The shared services and access to resources result in following benefits for the startups:

  • Collective entrepreneurship: Startups that are co-created in a studio naturally collaborate and learn from each other, as they take part of a bigger community of passionate entrepreneurs.
  • Startups created by a venture studio are 3–4x cheaper: The internal studio team supporting multiple startups at once leads to significant savings.
  • Culture of ideation, iteration, and continuous rebuilding: Venture studios are focused on solving a problem, and are not attached to one solution.
  • Ability to test multiple ventures at once: A portfolio of multiple ventures reduces risk and increases likelihood of success.
  • Entrepreneurs can focus on achieving Product Market Fit (PMF): The venture studio initially supports other aspects of the startup (operations, fundraising, technology development etc) so that the entrepreneur can focus on achieving PMF.
  • Strong network: Venture studios can help connect startups to the right users, clients, advisors, and investors.

Really? Show me proof.

Recent research shows that startups created in a venture studio:

  • Reach seed rounds twice as fast as regular startups, 41% less time for Series A, 44% less time Series B, and 47% less time series C.
  • Exit faster: Averaging 5 years, compared to 7.5 years of regular startups.
  • Achieve a higher Internal Rate of Return (IRR): x2 for startups created in studios vs. regular startups.

So, how do you leverage this model for good?

Solving social and environmental problems through market-based solutions is complex and poses different challenges than developing purely commercial solutions due to the added impact dimension. Impact focused solutions are often developed in underserved markets and its clients tend to be less researched and invested in, which makes new solutions inherently more risky — something that is harder to accept when the target group is vulnerable.

This is where the venture studio model comes in: it serves as a powerful tool for mitigating risks and amplifying the potential for success in a context where the need for scalable, self-sustaining solutions is high! It’s the reason why we at Fundamental decided to apply this model innovatively to build impact startups that target the challenges of unemployment, inequality and climate change in Latin America.

How do we support the balance between impact and profit as we build impact ventures?

  • A dedicated fundraising team looking to apply catalytic capital and blended finance from value-aligned funding partners to support the critical incubation phase of the impact venture building process with eg. grants, setting ventures up for traditional financing later.
  • A studio team with extensive experience in both impact and venture building, leveraging their shared knowledge for good.
  • Impact serves as a fourth dimension in our Product-Market-Fit assessment to ensure it’s integrated and fostered by the venture’s business model (next to desirability, viability and feasibility).
  • Validation and accountability mechanisms through our proprietary playbook that incorporates a stage gate model, enabling ventures to progress through stages contingent upon periodic evaluation gates. These gates are incorporate our impact and business mindset as well as the lessons learned from the successes and obstacles encountered during the development of previous ventures.
  • An integrated impact measurement and monitoring system, recently strengthened by a third party, to ensure our ventures stay on track with our commitment to make a real and measurable difference in the lives of our clients and their communities.


Hopefully interesting and relevant. Our conviction that the venture studio model has the potential to be transformative is largely thanks to the results, learnings and growth that we have experienced over these past two years. And while we know it’s daring, we do see grand opportunities to create deep and lasting change.

Our ideal is to not just do this through our own ventures but we hope to inspire and get inspired by others, to continue learning and sharing. Please reach out to us if this topic is of interest and you’d like to talk further.